SGI Launches Could You Live With Yourself Campaign

In an effort to reduce and eliminate the number of people getting behind the wheel and driving while impaired SGI has launched a new video campaign asking if people who drove impaired could live with themselves if they were involved in a tragic accident which killed children.

The highly emotionally charged campaign deals with not only the legal ramifications but the internal guilt those who drink and drive have to live with if their actions killed or hurt others.

“If you drove impaired and killed someone… could you live with yourself? the campaign asks in targeting those who may chose to drive impaired.

The emotional anti-impaired driving campaign is supported by Linda and Lou Van de Vorst who in 2016 lost four members of their family son Jordan Van de Vorst, his wife Chanda and their children Kamryn (age five) and Miguire (age two) when the 49 year old Catherine McKay, who had a blood alcohol level three times the legal limit, failed to stop at a stop sign and crashed into their vehicle just north of Saskatoon.

“If you’ve been drinking, please make the right choice to get home safely,” Linda asks as part of that campaign.

“You could save a life. Or an entire family,” Lou said as part of the campaign.

The SGI campaign does not just stress the guilt a person will have to carry for their lives but also the impact that effects others.

McKay was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment after pleading guilty to impaired driving causing death which she has been serving in a healing lodge just south of Maple Creek. In 2020 she was granted day parole.

McKay stated during her sentencing once she completed her sentence she would assist anyone who asked her to speak out against the dangers of drinking and driving. McKay has no affiliation with the SGI campaign.

At the end of the video the Van de Vorsts ask people if they have been drinking to chose not to drive.

The campaign will roll out with the video on the Internet and television, radio and print ad spots.

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