More Flu Vaccine Ordered To Meet Anticipated Higher Demand

While most people are focused on COVID - 19 the flu or influenza is rapidly approaching.

To meet what is predicted to be increasin demand from people to avoid all illnesses this year the Province has increased its’ order for flu vaccine this year.

The Province has ordered 36.5 percent additional vaccine compared to last year as their are predictions of increased demand.

“It is always a good idea to receive the influenza vaccination but it is particularly important during the pandemic,” Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab said.  “Receiving the vaccine will help prevent the spread of influenza.”

The Province is recommending those who are at higher risk to influenza be vaccinated.

Those individuals are the elderly, those who are immune compromised, people with underlying health conditions, children under five and pregnant women.

As like so many things there will be modifications as to where and how people can be vaccinated. Details will be announced later as flu season approaches and immunization begins in mid-October.

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