Council To Discuss Mask Use At Special Meeting
If you want to get a submission in or express your opinion - whether for or against - the wearing of masks on transit buses and City-owned facilities you only have a short time to do so as this coming Monday August 31st at 4:30 pm there is to be a special Council meeting on the issue.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the issues and options surrounding wearing masks while riding the buses or inside of City facilities. Mask usage, if fully adopted, would include recreation facilities. The adoption of mask wearing is a safety measure to stop the potential further spread of COVID-19 in the community.
Riding the bus may soon entail also wearing a mask - MJ Independent file photo
Council will NOT discuss imposing rules on buildings and stores which are privately owned as at least one city in the province was contemplating.
Mask requirements in private facilities\stores are up to the owners or individual business and what regulations the Province may have in place. In Moose Jaw some stores such as Staples, WalMart, Real Canadian Superstore and People’s Jewellers have their own mask rules.
For some masks have also become a fashion statement - MJ Independent file photo
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently said children from 12 years of age and adults should be wearing masks when physical distancing was not possible. A reversal of its’ earlier position on the issue.
This special meeting is open to the public (maximum of 30 people are allowed in Council Chambers including Council, Administration and media) and all members of the public will need to be screened for COVID-19 before being admitted.
For those of you who want to watch the meeting and maintain social distancing the meeting will be televised on Shaw Cable 10 and it is available to stream live from the City’s website.
Click the link on the “City Council Minutes and Meetings” page to watch.