City Starts Spraying Of Elm Trees

Dutch Elm disease has had a major impact in the city most notably in Wakamow where 38 trees have been killed. Twenty trees have been killed so far in the City this year.

To help protect the City's elms the annual tree spraying is now underway. The spraying is to control the native elm bark beetle which in adverdantly carries the fungus to the tree.

The City will be spraying City-owned trees only.

The City will be spraying the insecticide Pyrate 480 EC and it will be applied to the bottom 50 cm of City- owned elm trees only. The chemical will be applied under low pressure, minimizing the possibility of drift.

Although Pyrate 480 EC is listed for non-residential neighbourhood area use only on its packaging it is also allowed for the control of Dutch Elm Disease (DED).

In 2019 Health Canada told MJ Independent using Pyrate 480 EC is also approved for the control native elm bark beetles to prevent the spread of DED.

Health Canada did recommend keeping pets away from the sprayed trees for 24 hours until the insecticide was thoroughly dried as a precaution.

DED is a fungus which once it infects the tree causes a reaction by the tree which fills its pores to prevent the fungus spreading. Eventually the pores are filled to the extent the tree is robbed of nutrients and water causing it to die.

DED is called “Dutch” because it was first identified in Holland in 1921. The fungus however is expected to have originated in Asia.

The fungus disease first devastated elm trees in Europe and is now attacking elms in North America including here in Moose Jaw.

Signage from last year's program - MJ Independent file photo

Signage from last year's program - MJ Independent file photo

The areas the City is spraying are as follows:

• Between Spring Creek Park and Caribou St W from the Canadian Pacific Railway to 9th Ave NW

• Between Caribou St W and the Canadian Pacific Railway from 12th Ave NW to 9th Ave NW

• Between MacDonald Street and Caribou St W from 9th Ave NW to 4th Ave NW

• Between the Canadian Pacific Railway and Coteau St from 12th Ave SW to 4th Ave SE

• Between Coteau St E and City Limits from Main St S to 12th Ave SE

• Between Coteau St W and City Limits from 16th Ave SW to 12th Ave SW

• Between the Canadian National Railway and Caribou St E from Main St N to 13th Ave NE

• Sunningdale Athletic Field

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