City Answers Reader's Questions On Mosaic Place

We get lots of mail on many topics from readers.

To help our reader's understand the issues we will do our best to find you the answers.

Today's Reader Questions are about Mosaic Place.


The questions wete ones about accountability, subsidy to the facility or fees paid to the City and quarterly reports.

In his response City of Moose Jaw communications' manager Craig Hemingway responded by email with the following answers:

  • Spectra will produce an annual audited financial statement which will be a public document.

  • Spectra quarterly financial reports are included in the City of Moose Jaw quarterly financial report to Council.

  • City provides annual funding to operate the facility. Budgeted at $526,347

The answers regarding the quarterly reports about Mosaic Place from Spectra were part of the May 11th regular council meeting under quarterly reports and show below budget earnings on many income lines.

There is a screenshot at the bottom of this story which may be too small for most phones.


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