Free Organic Yard Waste Weekend At Landfill

If you don't mind the anticipated long line-ups, you have organic yard waste and you want to save some money this long weekend was made just for you.

From Saturday to Monday the City is once again waving the $10 tipping fee on all residential organic yard waste.

Organic yard waste is defined as leaves, grass and tree branches less than one inch in diameter.

Commercial, larger trucks as well as two axle trailers are not eligible for free tipping fees. Other items hauled to the landfill will be assessed regular tipping fees based upon weight and the material hauled.

Cost of the free weekend to the City is anout $1,500. The extra weekend of waiving the organic yard waste fee was done instead of re-starting weekly garbage collection a month earlier than normal at a cost of $25,000.

A survey of landfill usage found use of garbage collection actually went down March and April compared to 2019 thereby not warranting the early re-start of weekly collection.

Landfill hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and from 10 am to 5 pm on Sunday and Monday.

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