Health Authority Says Donated Home Sewn Cloth Masks Not Required At This Time

If you are thinking about using your sewing machine to help in the fight against Covid - 19 in the province by making masks or gowns the Saskatchewan Health Authority says they are NOT required at this time.

The SHA is however looking for N95 masks, non-latex gloves and disposable gowns if they meet certain specifications to insure integrity of supplies in the health care system.

To assure the in​​tegrity of the supplies the SHA donations must be appropriately packaged in sealed, unopened boxes. The SHA will be accepting the following supplies:

  • Ma​​sk​s​​​​

  • Non​-latex gloves

  • Disposable gowns

​At the present time the SHA is deve​​loping a safe process for donations that complies with Infection Prevention and Control Standards as well as the social-distancing guidelines from the Chief Medical Health Officer. 

Anyone wth supplies to donate are asked NOT to drop them off at any health care facility due to restrictions in place at the present time against visitors.

​Details for drop off processes and locations will be released, once protocols are developed, in the next few days. 

​Saskatchewan businesses, innovators and suppliers who have a solution that can help fight COVID-19 are asked to contact 

Numerous social media postings have said hospitals are desperate for homemade cloth masks and gowns prompting on-line social media groups and individuals to offer their seamstress skills to the SHA. The reports may be true in other cities and countries but there is no need in Saskatchewan for such supplies at this time.

moose jaw