Numbers Of People Infected With Covid - 19 Continues To Grow
It was more bad news on the confirmed and presumptive cases front of Coivid - 19 as on Monday March 23rd the provincial numbers once again climbed.
The provincial total number of cases is now 66 jumping as 14 new confirmed cases were reported. At present the total number of cases is 65 conformed and one case presumptive positive. To date the Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory has performed 5,269 Covid - 19 tests.
Two of the cases are individuals between the ages 5 - 19, all others are adults.
The province has now advised people to not gather in hallways of apartment buildings as proper social distancing cannot be maintained. The Moose Jaw Housing Authority has closed all of its indoor common areas and kitchens to help prevent the spread of Covid - 19.
Moose Jaw Housing Authority has closed its common areas to help prevent the spread of Covid - 19 - submitted photo
Other areas residents are being told to not touch or to avoid are contact with shared surfaces like handrails, pedestrian crosswalk buttons and outdoor playground equipment. Avoid all common spaces within shared accommodations like apartments and condominiums (ie. elevators, hallways) and public places where you cannot maintain this distance.
People have now been told to be careful when touching shared surfaces like pedestrian crossing buttons - MJ Independent photo
COVID-19 Information Online
Residents can go to for the latest information reorganized to make it easy for residents to find what they need. It includes information on travel guidance and preventative measures as well as information for care providers.
Unsure of your symptoms?
Visit and use the self-assessment tool to determine if you should contact HealthLine 811.
Note that any use of the former URL will redirect residents to the new site. Public inquiries may be directed to