City Asks Residents To Flush Toilet Paper Only

The hoarding of toilet paper during the Covid – 19 pandemic may be starting to show its ugly head as the City of Moose Jaw has issued a request for residents to not flush anything other than toilet paper down the sanitary sewer.

In a news release the City of Moose Jaw has stated they have noticed a marked increase in other items being flushed down toilets. The only thing which should be flushed is toilet paper.

Items which should not be flushed are disposable wipes, rags, coffee filters, sweat socks, and paper towels amongst others.

Even if the item is marked as “flushable” it does not mean it should be nor that it will not cause major problems with the sewage system. 

“Flushable wipes” does not mean the item will break down sufficiently to not cause problems with sewage treatment or plug your home's or the City's sewer system.

Items which are turning up in the City's sewage system which should not be flushed are paper towels, tissues, disposable wipes, napkins and rags. Such items should be disposed of with your garbage and not down your toilet.

Other urban centres in both Canada and worldwide have reported that people flushing alternative items other than toilet paper has resulted in jammed equipment. Some of the jammed equipment has included sewer lift station pumps, blocked sewer lines inside homes and main lines and problems at sewer treatment plants which has resulted in sewer backups. 

moose jaw