Financial Literacy Is Now A Course Elective

Some might call it preparing for a brighter personal economic future while others may call it teaching plain common sense. No matter what you call it financial literacy is now available and officially available for all school divisions to teach in the province.

Initially piloted by 20 teachers in 12 school divisions and two First Nation education authorities Financial Literacy 20 and 30 is now available in all school divisions.

The Financial Literacy 20 and 30 electives can be used to fulfill the Practical and Applied Arts/Arts Education requirement for high school graduation.

Teachers in grades 7 to 9 are able to introduce financial literacy to their students by using content from this curriculum in middle level Practical and Applied Arts courses.


Financial Literacy 20 and 30 addresses financial topics and decisions that students may already be facing while highlighting others they are likely to face within the first few years of leaving high school. It also touches upon more complex topics such as home ownership, debt management and planning for the future, which are part of a lifelong financial journey.

“Our Government wants to ensure Saskatchewan’s students are provided with relevant and practical curricula that will prepare them for their futures,” Deputy Premier and Education Minister Gordon Wyant said in a statment. “Developing additional opportunities for all Saskatchewan students to learn and improve upon their financial literacy empowers them to manage their money effectively, and will be of significant benefit to students throughout their lives.”

The areas of focus for Financial Literacy 20, 30 are:

  • learning – receiving money and/or resources as recognition for paid or unpaid work;

  • saving – purposefully setting aside resources for future use and/or enjoyment

  • spending – consciously using resources to enhance the well-being of self and others;

  • borrowing – taking something on loan, with a promise of returning it, or its equivalent, often at a higher value, by a specific time;

  • sharing – giving of one’s skills, abilities, time or resources to enhance the well-being of community and self;

  • investing – engaging in reflective decision-making for future benefit; and,

  • protecting – recognizing, appreciating and maintaining the value and worth of oneself, community resources and the environment. 

The course is offered as an elective and it is up to the individual school division if they chose to offer Financial Literacy in their classrooms.

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