Scotties Psychological Impact Just As Important As The Economic One - MJ Chamber

Just exactly how much of an overall economic impact the 2020 Scotties Tournament of Hearts may have on Moose Jaw is debateable but psychologically the impact may be just as positive if not more than the economic one.

“I have been Downtown it’s had a great emotional impact for us,” Rob Clark CEO of the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce said.

Clark pointed to the recent release from Curling Canada about the estimated $6 - $10 million impact the Scotties will have for City's businesses although he admitted it was hard to determine the exact dollar amount.

“I think the psychological effect of the Scotties is just as good as the warm weather. Having them both combined together you couldn't ask for much more.”

Clark said he had spoken to some businesses Downtown and the Scotties are behind more smiles and stronger sales for many shop owners.

“She (a business owner Clark spoke to) appreciated the Scotties being around town,” he said. “The Downtown is getting a big effect from it that's for sure.”

Asked about the people who are working the event – some of who are lower income – Clark said they may not appreciate the week long 12 hour days but they will enjoy the paycheque.

“I think they would welcome the paycheque.”

A Mosaic Place food service employee, speaking on condition of anonymity because her employer discourages staff from speaking to the media, said the extra cash from the Scotties is much appreciated.

“This is my only job. With the Warriors not making it to the playoffs I really need these extra hours to pay my bills.”

Other Downtown tourist focused businesses are reporting sales up four times versus February last year due to the Scotties.

While yet another large big box retailer had sales increases of 12 percent higher on the opening weekend compared to the same weekend in February last year.

 Clark said it is difficult to fully gauge the Scotties economic impact, plus spinoffs, nor how long it will last but “there has to be a lot of positive impact here.” 

He said a truer impact will not be known until this weekend and if Team Saskatchewan makes the final game it could well be substantially more.

“Emotionally though this is big and just what we needed.” 

Although other media have reported there are no hotel rooms available in the city MJ Independent found out that is incorrect with rooms available both Wednesday and Thursday night’s in some hotels. But for the most part the majority of rooms are occupied.

“I cannot think of one bad thing about the Scotties. It even brought the sunshine out its even that powerful. The Scotties have been amazing.” 

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