Tolmie Re-elected As Mayor

With 3189 votes Fraser Tolmie was re-elected mayor of Moose Jaw trailed by challenger John Kot who managed to garner 2316 votes. Nancy Nash came in third with 287 votes.

“I am humbled and I am honoured to be elected to a second term and represent the people of Moose Jaw. I have always said the potential of Moose Jaw has been in its people. In my last four years I have been able to see great things and the potential of our people and what they have been able to accomplish,” mayor-elect Tolmie told media who gathered at City Hall.

Tolmie said given the strong record of his first term that the voters recognized that and then voted for him.

“I’s very excited about the new Council we have. I want to thank everybody we had put their name in the hat. When you do that you become vulnerable. You become exposed. And you campaign on your record and I think our record has been strong and people recognize that,” he said.

“I am a consensus and bridge builder,” he said regarding working with the six councillors - three of which have not served on Council before.

“I like what I have seen. I like what the majority have been bringing to the table.”

He said he would also focus back to his campaign promises and ensure those promises are being fulfilled.

Following meeting with the media he did a one on one interview with CTV Regina that was closed to the local media asking questions.

The election itself percentage-wise was the worst ever in the history of Moose Jaw with only 5800 out of an estimated 25,800 voters or just over 22 percent of estimated eligible voters casting a ballot.

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