Advance Polls Busy With Large Turnout

COVID - 19 may have changed the way Moose Jaw residents are voting this election but it has not slowed them down from taking advantage of advance polls and mail-in ballots as the numbers so far have easily topped numbers from the 2016 Civic election.

Through the first three days 577 people have voted in the advance polls which tops the same three day total in the 2016 municipal election when 398 people voted.

The advance polls have so far seen 577 votes cast - on Thursday, October 29th 202 votes were cast, on October 30th 202 voted were cast and on October 31st there were 172 votes cast.

It is yet to be seen if the advance polls will top the 2016 Municipal Election when a total of 1,224 votes were cast in the advance polls.

Advance polls continue until November 5th with all voting done at City Hall.

SEE RELATED - Advance Polls for a schedule of the remaining advance polls. As well as the advance polls voting procedures.

The numbers were down however in 2020 versus 2016 in the special/mobile polls with 343 votes cast in 2016 versus 157 votes were cast across the 15 Special/Mobile Polls on October 31st.

In a move though copying the provincial elections the number of people so far taking a mail in ballot dwarfs the total from 2016. In 2016 only 22 voters used the mail in ballot option whereas so far 328 or 16 times more people have made a mail in ballot request. If the election does happen to be close the mail in ballots may very well decide the elections.

Mail-In Ballots are to be filled out and returned to City Hall no later than 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, November 9 and will be tabulated that night.

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