Robert Bachmann PSSD Trustee Candidate Subdivison Two

1. Why have you chosen to run for a school board trustee?  

​I have served on the school board since 2014 and have enjoyed the opportunity to serve my community in this way.  I have 4 kids in Prairie South schools, so my decisions impact my family in a direct way.

2. What qualifications do you bring to the board if elected - these may include degrees etc but also life lessons as well? 

 I have previously served on parent councils for schools in Ontario and Alberta.  I currently work in administration for a graduate school.  My own graduate studies in leadership included courses on governance, change management, and conflict resolution.

3. Why should people vote for you? 

 ​I have been acclaimed, so no voting is happening.

4. What do you see as the biggest challenge in education today?  

​The biggest challenge in education today is allocating the limited resources we have at our disposal in a way that will make the largest impact for students and staff.

5. Schools are changing with a very diverse student body - such as those of different races, languages, cultures, disabilities, sexual orientation, varying faiths, economic standing and others - how would you make the school system better so that everyone had not just the same opportunity but a fair and equitable opportunity to reach their full potential?  

​Students need exposed to new ways of doing things, so they understand all the options before them, but they also need who they are and their unique person to be understood and celebrated.  Students that feel welcomed and engaged with will much more likely be able to reach their full potential.

6. What role do you see a school trustee playing in today's educational system?  ​

Trustees set policy and make big picture budget decisions for the local school system.  We provide local voice to provincial groups including the government.  We can also be a conduit for families to ensure both success and challenges are heard about.

7. As a trustee you are elected in a specified district but in reality you are a trustee at large and represent students throughout the division. Can you tell me if you are a rural trustee how would you represent an urban resident or on the other side of the coin if you are an urban trustee how would you represent a rural resident?  ​

I am a rural trustee.  All decisions potentially impact the whole division.  Decisions must be made based on what is best for the division as a whole, not just what is best for a certain section or sub-division.  We are elected by individuals of a certain sub-division, but our mandate is to govern the entire division.

8. Moose Jaw is in the midst of building a new school on South Hill. Although it is a big accomplishment there has been concerns raised by some residents on various issues regarding the new school. Can you tell me how would you work with the community to ally those fears?  ​

There has already been extensive consultation with families that have students at the 4 impacted current schools.   Community voice from these groups (school SCC's, students, and families in these schools) will gladly be listened to and responded to.  Continuing to get more information out to the public will be a priority once the location of the new school is 100% decided and site-specific plans can be developed.

9. What would you like the students to say about their time at school? 

​That they were encouraged and challenged to ask questions that help them understand more about themselves and the world around them.  That their time in Prairie South Schools inspired them to continue with further studies. 

moose jaw