Giselle Wilson PSSD Trustee Candidate Subivison Four

1. Why have you chosen to run for a school board trustee?

I have enjoyed my time on the school board for the past 6 years. I enjoy engaging with new people and working together with the board of education to provide the best educational experience we can for Prairie South students and staff.

2. What qualifications do you bring to the board if elected - these may include degrees etc but also life lessons as well?

Being on the board of education can be a very steep learning curve.  Over the past 6 years I've learnt a lot about the governance of a school division.  I am also the parents of two grown children, both of whom graduated from Prairie South schools.  

4. What do you see as the biggest challenge in education today?

Trying to meet everyone's needs in this fast paced, ever changing society.

5. Schools are changing with a very diverse student body - such as those of different races, languages, cultures, disabilities, sexual orientation, varying faiths, economic standing and others - how would you make the school system better so that everyone had not just the same opportunity but a fair and equitable opportunity to reach their full potential?

I hope all students find a space within our schools that they belong in.  I think it's important for us as trustees to learn as much as we can about the needs of all of our students and provide the resources that are required for students to feel safe.

6. What role do you see a school trustee playing in today's educational system?

I feel our job is to be the voice of the public.. We are elected to represent not only the people within our subdivisions, but all the public within Prairie South.

7. As a trustee you are elected in a specified district but in reality you are a trustee at large and represent students throughout the division. Can you tell me if you are a rural trustee how would you represent an urban resident or on the other side of the coin if you are an urban trustee how would you represent a rural resident?

 I have been acclaimed in subdivision 4, but have always made it a personal priority to represent all students, staff and families with in Prairie South, regardless of where they live.  I will continue to do this but listening and directing people in the right direction.

8. Moose Jaw is in the midst of building a new school on South Hill. Although it is a big accomplishment there has been concerns raised by some residents on various issues regarding the new school. Can you tell me how would you work with the community to ally those fears?

 It may be because of where I live, but I haven't heard anything negative about the South Hill school project. 

9. What would you like the students to say about their time at school?

I hope our students can say that our schools are a place that the feel safe and wanted. And I hope they learn a thing or two along the way 

moose jaw