Lower Limits Come Into Effect For Home Gatherings

With the uptick in the number of cases of COVID - 19 in the Province the number of people allowed to gather in a private home has been reduced from 15 effective midnight tonight.

“Even with increasing community transmission rates we still have the power to effect change, to flatten that curve, but it means all residents have to do their part to help keep their friends and family safe,” Dr Saqib Shahab said in a statement.

Any event that occurs in a private dwelling, including weddings, religious gathering and funerals, must abide by the 15 person gathering limit.

The 15 person limit also applies to teenage or other home parties.

The move does not impact restaurants, licensed establishments, banquet halls as well as weddings, funerals and religious gatherings which are all required to follow seating and physical distancing guidelines as described in the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan at 


Although they are not mandatory to wear Dr. Shahab is also strongly recommending masks be worn in all indoor public locations where physical distancing of two metres is not possible or predictable. 

Above all, stay home if sick, the release stated

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