All Provincial Candidates Forum This Evening

For anyone wanting to learn more about the candidates running in the October 26th provincial election then save some time this evening as the Moose Jaw and District Chamber of Commerce are presenting an on-line forum.

Offered through the Chamber’s Facebook and YouTube pages the 90 minute forum will allow voters the opportunity to hear about the candidates, what they believe in and why they are asking for your support in the election.

Following their introductiory remarks the candidates will answer a series of questions from the Chamber and then questions from the viewers.

“The Forum will begin with introductory remarks from each candidate, questions asked by the moderator for each candidate to respond to, questions from the public via the live streaming chat platforms (facebook and youtube), followed by closing remarks of each candidate,” the Chamber said in a release.

Following answering the questions from the Chamber the public is invited to ask their questions of the candidates.

“We ask for everyone to be respectful on the chat and have patience as we use this new online streaming format to receive questions and stream the forum,” the Chamber requested in their release.

To watch the live forum go to the Chamber’s Facebook page or their YouTube page by clicking the link.

moose jaw