Phase Five Will Come Up Just Short In 2020 Construction Season
With the weather turning colder Phase Five of the Cast Iron Water Main Replacement Program sees one more stretch of roadway almost completed and ready for paving.
With the proximity to Winter one section planned for 2020 will not be started this year but be completed at the start of the construction season in 2021.
All photos were taken this past Saturday morning.
Stadacona Street East looking west from 9th Avenue NE - MJ Independent photo
Stadacona Street East - 6th Avenue NE to 10th Avenue NE
This section of the project nears completion to the intersection of Stadacona Street East and 9th Avenue NE.
The section from 6th Avenue NE to 8th Avenue NE is now fully completed and paved.
The work on the intersection of 9th Avenue NE is completed and is now repaved.
The 900 block has all of the excavation work completed with the roadway now packed and just waiting for the paving crew to start the work. No date has been released as to when the paving work will be done.
A major change has happened for this stretch of work as the decision was made not to start the work on the 1000 block of Stadacona Street East this constructon season as the work would not be completed in its entirety before Winter. The work will be completed at the start of the 2021 construction season.
Third Avenue NW looking north from Hall Street West - MJ Independent photo
Third Avenue NW - Oxford Street West to MacDonald Street West
Crews were busy working on this section of the project this past Saturday.
The intersection of Oxford Street West and 3rd Avenue NW is open to traffic.
The excavation work from Oxford Street West to Hall Street West is completed and it is just awaiting final pavement.
There is excavation work still on-going on the Hall Street W to Saskatchewan Street W portion of the project.
The intersections of 3rd Avenue NW and Hall Street W and Saskatchewan Street West remain closed to traffic.
Watermain Replacement - $5.8 million scope approved in the 2020 Budget discussions
- Stadacona Street East from 6th Avenue NE to 10th Avenue NE – 790 meters
- Fairford Street East from Main Street to 2nd Avenue NE – 360 meters
- High Street West from Main Street to 3rd Avenue NW – 540 meters
- Third Avenue NW from Oxford Street West to MacDonald Street West – 670 meters
Additional work was approved after the work got underway.
- Second Avenue NW from Manitoba Street West to Fairford Street West - 335 meters
The Cast Iron Water Main Replacement Program was officially started in the 2016 construction season and it is being undertaken to replace cast iron pipe which has in some cases reached and or exceeded its predicted life span.
There is approximately 80 kilometers of water mains to be replaced over the predicted 20 year duration of the program.