Thinking About Getting A Gym Membership Here Is Some Handy Information

Have you signed up for a gym membership as part of a New Years Resolution and now decided you do not want it or to feel the burn well you might not have to honour the contract if you chose not to.

In fact you are not alone because at this time of year many comsuers get ahold ot the Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority (FCAA) to see if they are in fact locked in and if they are what are their rights under the contract they signed or contemplating on signing.

Some consumers may not ask the right questions or fully read the contract before signing up for a membership, and encounter problems later on regarding cancellation rights, membership packages, and extra programs and services included in a membership.

Here are some tips to consider before signing a gym membership contract:

  • Make sure you’ve read the entire contract and understand the terms and conditions.  By law, your gym contract must not exceed two years in length.

  • Find out the total cost of your membership, including the regular fees for programs and services.  Remember to ask questions if you don’t understand something.

  • Know that you have the right to cancel your contract within seven business days of receiving a written copy.  You may also be able to cancel if:

    • you move more than 30 km away from your home gym or one of its other locations;

    • you experience material physical, medical, or mental changes supported by your medical practitioner that would make gym participation unreasonable; or

    • there are material changes in the services being provided, or if the facility moves more than 10 km from its former location.

For more information about fitness/gym memberships, visit

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