Light At The End Of Cold Tunnel

For those of you feeling the effects of the extremely cold weather their is relief on the way - and no it is not Spring just a few months in the distance.

According to the seven day forecast provided by Environment Canada the weather is set to warm up as the temperatiure which saw nighttime lows of -35 or colder is about to see daytime highs close to the melting mark.

Tne forecast for tonight is “A few clouds. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 33 C. Wind chill minus 37 C this evening and minus 43 C overnight. Frostbite in minutes,” whereas by next Tuesday the daytime high temperture is - 4.

forecast improving.png

Tonight though the windchill values are expected to drop into the -50C range.

But until then the Extreme Cold Warning issued by Enivornment Canada remains in effect with the weather cooler tonight. The warning is in effect for the entire region including:

  • City of Moose Jaw

  • R.M. of Baildon including Briercrest

  • R.M. of Caron including Caronport and Caron

  • R.M. of Chaplin including Chaplin

  • R.M. of Craik including Craik and Aylesbury

  • R.M. of Dufferin including Bethune and Findlater

  • R.M. of Enfield including Central Butte

  • R.M. of Eyebrow including Eyebrow and Brownlee

  • R.M. of Hillsborough including Crestwynd and Old Wives lake

  • R.M. of Huron including Tugaske

  • R.M. of Maple Bush including Riverhurst and Douglas Prov. Park

  • R.M. of Marquis including Tuxford Keeler and Buffalo Pound

  • R.M. of Moose Jaw including Pasqua and Bushell Park

  • R.M. of Pense including Pense Belle Plaine and Stony Beach

  • R.M. of Redburn including Rouleau and Hearne

  • R.M. of Rodgers including Coderre and Courval

  • R.M. of Sarnia including Holdfast Chamberlain and Dilke

  • R.M. of Shamrock including Shamrock and Kelstern

  • R.M. of Wheatlands including Mortlach and Parkbeg

A prolonged period of very cold wind chills is expected. A cold, arctic air mass is entrenched over southern Saskatchewan. Extreme cold wind chill values of -40 to -46 are being reported over most of southern and central Saskatchewan this morning.

These extreme wind chill values will moderate somewhat during the day, but even colder wind chill values are expected tonight into Thursday morning, with a few areas expected to reach wind chill values of -50.

Normal temperatures for this time of year are a daytime high of -9 C and a nighttime low of - 19 C.

For those of you who want a smile here is a song about the cold which has gone viral.

moose jaw