City Reminds Dog Owners About The Rules And Etiquette

With dog ownership comes a special bond between owner and pet but it also comes with responsibilities - this is the message the City of Moose Jaw wants to convey.

In a press release the City stressed six areas to remind dog owners about - off leash dog parks, cleaning up feces, meeting other dogs, areas dogs are permitted, need to use leashes and all dogs requiring a City license.

- Off-leash Dog Parks: Keep an eye on your dog at the park, carry a leash with you at all times, female dogs in heat are not permitted, dogs that become unruly or aggressive should be removed from the site immediately and keepers are not permitted to be responsible for more than three dogs at one time.

- Clean up after your dog: Be sure to scoop your dog’s poop on public or private property. Bring several bags on your walks to be sure you have enough. The City also has doggy bag stations at several locations at the Dog Park and City trails system.

- Meeting other dogs: Respect other pets and pet parents and keep your dog greeting quick and positive.

- Permitted areas: Dogs are not permitted on any school ground, playground or posted parkland areas such as Crescent Park.

- Leashes: When not on the premises of the owner, dogs are required to be on a leash at all times, with the exception of the City’s Off-Leash Dog Parks.

To help prevent your dog from contacting or jumping on passersby, the City Dog Bylaw also states that the maximum length of a leash is 2 metres.

- Dog license: No owner of any dog shall be in possession of such dog unless such dog has been licensed by the City for the current license year.

The owner shall also ensure that a collar, and the tag issued by the City, are worn by the dog when off the premises of the owner.

The issue of dogs defecating in parks, trails and other public property came and owners not cleaning up was discussed during the recent debate about allowing dogs and bicycles into Crescent Park.

Allowing dogs into Crescent Park was ultimately defeated due to too many irresponsible dog owners not cleaning up after their pets.

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