Police To Hold Open House Tuesday Morning
Moose Jaw Police Service vehicle deployed at a potential crime scene - MJ Independent Photo
If you want to know the latest crime statistics, the K9 squad, the Police and Crisis Team or the priorities and initiatives for the Moose Jaw Police Services (MJPS) then tomorrow is your big day.
At 9 am Tuesday morning the Moose Jaw Board of Police Commissioners will be hosting an open house style meeting in which you, the general public, are invited to attend to learn about what is going on with the MJPS. The Moose Jaw Board of Police Commissioners are the defacto employers of the MJPS and includes not only elected officials but also is made up of regular everyday individuals.
The event is not a formal meeting but rather the MJPS is going to provide information on the many things they do in the community.
The event is being held in the South Room (upstairs) at the Moose Jaw Public Library and everyone is invited to attend.