Inclusion Centre Opens
In the ribbon cutting photos are, from left to right, Paulette Mulholland, Dylan Lamb, Greg Lawrence MLA, Crystal Froese Moose Jaw City Council, Tom Shelly, Jeremy Hansen (Moose Jaw Kinsmen), Jamaal James (Moose Jaw Kinsmen), Danny Stenko (Moose Jaw Kinsmen), Matt Sapp (Moose Jaw Families Board Chair), Mark Sture (Moose Jaw Families Vice-Chair), Kirsten Senior (Moose Jaw Families Board of Directors).
On Wednesday November 28th, Moose Jaw Families for Change celebrated the Grand Opening of their new facility, the Kinsmen Inclusion Centre.
Located at the south side of the 4th Avenue bridge in the previous Conexus Credit Union location, the Kinsmen Inclusion Centre primarily operates a day program and community outreach for people with varying abilities.
Among those in attendance for the Grand Opening were Moose Jaw City Councillor Crystal Froese and MLA for Moose Jaw Wakamow, Greg Lawrence. Submitte
Live video from the event is available on Moose Jaw Families for Change’s Facebook page
A good crowd was on hand to witness the official ribbon cutting ceremony