Exhibition Sees An Uptick In Petty Crime And Other Practices

By Robert Thomas

There’s an old saying when things go bad they’ve gone to the dogs - the same can be said about some of the crime in Moose Jaw.

Sadly it’s something the Moose Jaw Exhibition is learning as more people on bicycles, vehicles and on foot are out thieving. Most often under the cover of darkness in the wee hours of the morning. But also during daylight hours.

It’s all part of a verbal report general manager George Fowler gave at the Exhibition’s Tuesday evening’s monthly board meeting.

The Moose Jaw Dog Club - who are located on the Exhibition Grounds - recently found out the hard way as a thief or thieves made off with two gazebos (already set up), a case of toilet paper, bottled water and pop.

The Moose Jaw Police Service (MJPS) is presently investigating the theft.

Additionally someone recently stole a truck from the grounds.

Although the Exhibition Grounds is not a haven for crime more mobile thieves are out stalking in the dark and also during the day.

“There are things going on,” Fowler said while giving his monthly report.

“There is a fair amount of bicycle traffic coming through and going through the metal bins (during the night,” he said.

Asked about if the new SARCAN location adjacent to the east side of the Exhibition Grounds was causing problems Fowler said it hadn’t.

He spoke about encountering two 30 something year old males who were hidden along a fence line dividing up the spoils from that day’s theft from the Real Canadian Superstore next door.

Fowler said when he confronted them he told them Superstore was out looking for them as that is how he knew they were there.

During the exchange he said the two men responded “we can’t afford to eat.”

Fowler said he replied “I’m not here to judge but you are two healthy 30 year olds so go get a job.”

To stop the recent uptick of incidents Fowler spoke to the board about upgrading the security camera system on the grounds.

Cameras help as a deterrent and may help identify people doing illegal things but he admitted “no they (cameras) are not the be all or end all of stopping this.”

After the most recent theft from the dog club Fowler said he had spoken to the MJPS about more patrols at night.

“I said (to the police) come up at night and have your coffee and turn your lights off,” he said.

Dog Owners

Despite there being some related problems due to SARCAN’s recent move Fowler said there were more problems with dog owners.

“We have more problems with people coming up and turning their dogs loose than the bottle guys.”

“They don’t like it when you tell them they have to have their dogs on a leash,” Fowler said.

Be related a recent encounter with The owner of a large dog that was running freely in a field chasing rabbits. After pointing out that there was 175 horses that the dog could get after if the man wasn’t careful, the dog owner scoffed at Fowler.

Fowler said It was ironic that the dog owner turned nasty, especially since he was sitting 8 feet away from private property, and there was a no trespassing sign right beside him.

“But they don’t care.”

The Board decided to look into purchasing additional security cameras in an attempt to combat the shenanigans a small number of people are perpetrating.

moose jaw