Sukanen Holds 14th Annual Car Show

Photos and Story by Robert Thomas

Just over 60 cars got the look over by car afficionados as the Sukaanen Museum held their 14th annual Spring Fling Show and Shine on Saturday.

Robby Downton, a member Sukanen Ship Museum’s board of directors, said the car show was down slightly in the usual number of vehicles entered.

The owner of a 1955 Pontiac discusses his car with two admirers - MJ Independent photo

But given the wet weather over the past week and the forecast for potential major thunderstorms that the number of vehicles participating was more than expected.

“The turnout was pretty good we had about 60 cars, normally we are over the 100, but with the weather we’ve had we would say it’s a success,” he said.

A 1955 Chevy in original colours - MJ Independent photo

“We actually expected it to be a little bit less but it turned out to be better than expected. We had more (entries) than we were thinking we were going to get.”

The intermittent wet weather broke on Saturday allowing the event to occur and the breeze made the mosquito free grounds cooler.

The car show gave friends time to sit outdoors in the shade and talk about good times and automobiles - MJ Independent photo

“We’ve had rain all week and the few puddles we’ve had here were nothing major. We’re actually surprised (how good of shape the grounds are).”

The show featured cars and trucks going back to the 1950’s and beyond as proud owners brought their prized vehicles out to display, discuss and answer questions about.

The cars were lined up with visitors stopping to talk in the shade - MJ Independent photo

It was also a social occasion for people to catch up on the news with friends.

And a chance to make new friends.

The Museum’s Ford tractor was something for people to chat around - MJ Independent photo

“It is one of our bigger events that help run the museum. All the funds that we get (for entries) and the gate admission all goes towards operating the museum,” Downton said.

The show is an important fundraiser for the completely volunteer run museum. There are just over 60 members who volunteer from everything from board members, event organizers or doing work to maintain the outdoor museum site and buildings.

Retirees, who are members of the museum, hold a work bee every Wednesday. Other members help out when they have time off from their jobs.

The selection of cars and trucks on display had visitors admiring the handiwork of vehicles restored - MJ Independent photo

The Museum will be holding other fundraising events this Summer:

  • there will be a flea market on June 25th

  • a family day will be held on July 16th

  • the annual threshing bee will be held in September

    All events are to be held at the Sukanen Ship Museum located south of Moose Jaw on Highway #2.

    For more information visit the Sukanen Ship Pioneer Village and Museum’s website.

moose jaw