Preparation For Fair Parade Is Progressing Well

Moose Jaw Hometown Fair Parade - Wednesday June 21st at 7 pm headed south on Main Street North from Saskatchewan Street East to Manitoba Street

By Robert Thomas

With the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair set to kick off in ten days planning is on track for another great edition.

The kickoff to the annual fair is the traditional parade down Main Street.

“It’s going along pretty good. We’ve got a lot of interest in the parade this year,” George Fowler general manager of the Moose Jaw Exhibition said.

The parade is set to run starting at 7 pm on June 21st with the parade heading out from the old Sears store parking lot at the Town and Country Mall.

The parade will leave the mall parking lot heading south to Saskatchewan Street East where it will turn west until Main Street where it will turn left and head south down Main Street and end at the intersection of Main Street and Manitoba Street.

The Shriners in their mini-cars at the 2022 Edition of the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair Parade - MJ Independent file photo

This year’s parade theme is “Summer In The City” and parade participants are encouraged to decorate their parade entries along this theme - although there is no requirement to do so.

“There are lots of area along the sidewalks for people to view the parade,” Fowler said.

Parade watchers should come prepared for the weather and hopefully not mosquitoes. People are encouraged to use sunscreen if the evening is sunny and everyone is welcome to bring their own lawn chairs to watch the parade.

Children watch the 2022 Edition of the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair Parade - MJ Independent file photo

The parade is a major free event many in Moose Jaw look forward to on an annual basis.

“Three to five thousand people come out to view the parade on an annual basis it all depends on the weather,” he said.

Asked why people, groups and businesses participate in the parade Fowler said it is two-fold exposing their group or business to 3,000 - 5,000 spectators but also a way to show community spirit and support of one of major community events of the year.

“For the little bit of time to make a float it is a good opportunity for a business or a group to get exposure in front of three to five thousand people,” he said, adding “the kids like it and so does the crowd.”

Setting up the parade might seem easy but it takes a lot of work to coordinate.

Private and trained security needs to stop and control intersections to ensure safety satisfy the parade’s insurance underwriters.

The City helps out by providing the barricades, ensuring there are no vehicles parked along the parade route and following the parade street sweepers ensure the parade route is cleaned.

“Undoubtedly there will be some horses in the parade and they will leave a mess and the street sweepers take care of that.”

A nominal $25 per entry fee is charged per entry to cover some of the costs associated with the parade.

The last official day to sign up to be in the parade is June 19th however late entries will be accepted.

Parade participants are required to fill out an on-line application and pay their $25 to be part of the event.

“We need the (application) form signed for liability purposes and the $25 registration fee,” Fowler said.

To enter the parade you may do so by clicking here.

Although there can be late entries - right up to the time of the parade itself - he said they would prefer entries to register before the deadline to “prevent the chaos” but it is still possible.

Entries will not be given numbers as to their place in the parade but the marshal will allow them into the parade so as to ensure a smooth flow.

Spectators line the streets at the 2022 Edition of the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair Parade - MJ Independent file photo

“We would like people to pre-register.”

Parade entrants are expected from Regina although the majority of entries are from Moose Jaw and area.

“Come out and see the parade. This year’s theme is Summer In The City. It will be a good time,” he said.

The 2023 edition of the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair runs for four days June 22 - 25 at the Moose Jaw Exhibition Grounds - 250 Thatcher Drive East.

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