September 9th Declared As Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day

Submitted by the local FASD committee

This year the city of Moose Jaw and the local FASD committee are raising awareness to help inform people of the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy while also recognizing the talents and abilities of those who have FASD.

According to CanFASD, Canada’s national FASD research network, 1.4 million (or 4%), of Canadians have FASD.

Moose Jaw Mayor Clive Tolley declares September 9, 2022 as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Day - submitted photo

Despite this fact, Canada does not have a much-needed National FASD Strategy that could help families, individuals, and communities coordinate supports, awareness, and diagnostic services.

On September 9, watch for Mac the Moose and the clock at City Hall to be lit up red in recognition of the potential and resiliency of individuals who have FASD.

The Moose Jaw and Area FASD Committee would also like to invite everyone to wear red shoes on FASD Awareness Day and help bring attention to FASD.

Don’t have red shoes? No Worries! Add a red shirt or pants to your outfit instead.

Be sure to share on social media using the hashtag #RedShoesRock. 

For more information visit:

CanFASD at

The FASD Network of Saskatchewan at

The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute at

The Regional Kids First South Central Facebook page:

Additionally Assiniboia and Gravelbourg have proclaimed September 9th as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder Awareness Day.

Assiniboia Mayor Sharon Shauenberg and Committee members Jill Zahariuk and Christine Printz - submitted photo

moose jaw