RCMP Musical Ride Performs First Of Four Shows - Photo Assignment

Photos and Text by Robert Thomas

The bleachers were full and dozens sat in the grass to watch the first performance of the RCMP Musical Ride on Friday evening.

Dressed in their traditional dress red serge members of the troupe performed a show dating back to the days of their predecessor the North West Mounted Police.

The crowd was appreciative to the show with many accepting the invitation afterwards to chat, ask questions and have their pictures taken with a Mountie in their ceremonial red serge uniforms.

There are three more performances of the Musical Ride during the Moose Jaw Hometown Fair.

The performance times are:

  • Saturday, June 25 at 3:00 pm & 8:00 pm

  • Sunday, June 26 at 4:00 pm

The bleachers were full

The Charge is a main feature of the performance

Demonstrating lance skills

Following their performance members of the RCMP Musical Ride spoke to audience members and had numerous selfies taken

Members of the RCMP Musical Ride - regardless of rank - took the time to speak to audience members

moose jaw