These Condos Don't Clean Themselves

House cleaning may be for the birds, but cleaning Mountain Bluebird houses is just another way you can say you've helped out nature...and nature is never boring! You may even be lucky enough to spot the first crocus as you go along the trail of nestboxes.

Following this Sunday's workshop on building Mountain Bluebird houses, these houses then get put up or replace the many dilapidated ones at Buffalo Pound...and we may even do a trial nest box trail at Tatawaw. The boxes must be replaced or the current houses cleaned out. That's at least 50 boxes that we now maintain.

bird house cleaning.jpg

As a volunteer, your back pack should contain a small container of sulfur (a disinfectant to kill mites and bacteria, which will be provided), a hammer, multi-screwdriver, a couple of old hard bristle paint brushes, leather gloves, bandaids, a water bottle, and a camera. Bring what you have, and so shall we. Everyone go in groups of two or three.

We plan to head out to Buffalo Pound on Saturday, March 14th, time and meeting area for car pooling is still to be announced. If you miss the workshop, but still want to help out on the 14th, contact Rich Pickering.

For info click the event posting below:

Make A Bluebird House

Thanks for caring! 🌞

Kimberly Epp,
Workshop/Programs Director,
Past President 🐦

moose jaw