Councillor Asks Questions About Dog Bylaw And Puppies

The question was what comes first the fixing or the licensing?

It was a question that Administration could not readily answer.

At Monday afternoon’s regular Council meeting Councillor Kim Robertson asked a verbal question about the timing of when a dog license have to be purchased.

Councillor Robinson asked the question about Bylaw 4495 - Dog Bylaw .

“It doesn’t appear that there’s an age limit into that. I’m just wondering if that is something that can be clarified?” he asked.

Councillor Robinson said his enquiry came as a result of a resident pointing out the lack of an age when a dog has to licensed.

“One resident pointed out to me there is a significant difference between the cost of a spayed and neutered And if they have to buy a license before the period a dog could be spayed, or neutered it is certainly a different cost,” Councillor Robinson said.

Under Bylaw 4495 all dogs - except police dogs belonging to the Moose Jaw Police Service, the RCMP or seeing eye dogs (not other service animals) - in Moose Jaw must be licensed.

All dogs must be registered on an annual basis running from April 1st annually.

The cost to license a dog is $40. The cost to license a spayed or neutered dog is $15.

Failure to license a dog carries a $40 fine.

Councillor Robinson pointed out that people intending to spay or neuter new puppies would have to pay $40 to license them instead of $15 if they were too young to perform the operation on. He requested a clarification.

“According to the bylaw, a brand new litter of pups would be in contravention of our bylaw because there’s no age at what time they have to be licensed,” he said.

With Administration unable to answer Councillor Robinson’s questions to clarify the bylaw the questions will now be a written enquiry to allow Administration to provide a proper response.

See Related - Dog Etiquette A Must

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