City To Commence Snow Removal On Major Roads Late New Year's Day

The snow may be piled up on Main Street and other major thoroughfares in Moose Jaw but there is good news for motorists and pedestrians alike that snow removal operations are on the horizon.

Starting New Year's Day the City will begin to remove the snow now windrowed to the center or sides of select City-owned streets.

Commencing at 10 pm on New Year's day the City will begin to haul the snow piled on 9th Avenue NW followed by Main Street, school zones, and finishing with the downtown metered areas.

The City expects the snow haul to be completed by Friday, January 6, 2023.

For other roads in the city the snow haul will commence in the spring once temperatures are consistently above 0C and Mother Nature does the job.

No word has been released about the potential of a city-wide plow which happens when snowfall reaches a certain amount or ruts make roads impassible.

moose jaw