City Wins National Award For Succession Strategy

The City’s Succession Planning Project has won a national award from the Canadian Association of Municipal Administrators (CAMA).

The City received the 2021 CAMA Professional Development Award, in the 20,001-100,000 population category for their project started in 2017 to mentor and train within the City’s ranks replacements for senior administration who were reaching retirement age.

“CAMA is pleased to recognize the City of Moose Jaw for its succession planning project,” Jake Rudolph, outgoing president of CAMA and Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Nanaimo, BC said when announcing Moose Jaw as the winner. “With so many employees in senior leadership positions approaching retirement, the City rose to the challenge to prepare their staff to take on those roles.”

The City has 50 Career Owners enrolled in the succession planning program, mentored by 17 trained Career Coaches. Of the ten employees nominated for Critical Positions, two have advanced to those positions in the past three years.

Check out the video of the award presentation below:

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