Cornerstone Christian School To Remain Closed Until April 20th

With the two school divisions set to return to school after the Easter break there will be an exception as staff and students will be sitting it out a little bit longer due to what is described as a “significant number of COVID - 19 cases in these past few weeks” according to a letter sent to parents and posted on the school’s Facebook page from the school’s principal and vice-principal.

Cases have been described as ranging from mild to very serious.

Due to the outbreak at the school the decision has been made not to re-open Cornerstone until April 20th. The school was closed and moved to on-line or distance learning on March 24th after an outbreak was declared on March 21st.

The letter states that the decision was made after consultation between the Prairie South School Division (PSSD) and the Cornerstone board chair.

The full content is in the letter below.

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In written responses to queries PSSD director of education Tony Baldwin told MJ Independent last week that the Division was well aware of the situation and the numbers of staff and students who had contracted Variant Of Concern COVID - 19 last week.

“Medical concerns are best addressed by Health. We are supporting staff as their employer and students as they have needs,” Baldwin wrote.

When asked what he and the PSSD felt about those who were ill or waiting to see if they tested positive Baldwin replied there was concern on both a personal and professional level.

“Both personally and as Director I am concerned whenever students and staff are unwell,” he wrote.

Asked to explain what actions were taken by the school and the Prairie South School Division to help contain this outbreak - before, during and afterwards? He replied “Our COVID response Plan is available at .”

 About the actual conditions of anyone who had contracted COVID - 19 Baldwin referred all questions to the provincial Ministry of Health.

The office of the Minister of Health the Honourable Paul Merriman responded last week that they were aware of the Cornerstone outbreak but measures were being taken.

“School administration will be in contact with local public health officials on the status of the outbreak in their school, and receiving guidance on communicating with parents of children on the risk and next steps,” the Minister’s office responded to written questions.

Asked about the condition those who had contracted COVID - 19 were the Ministry declined comment sighting patient confidentiality.

“The Ministry of Heath cannot provided case information as this is protected under HIPA. Information on in-patient hospitalizations is available by zones at: .”

Asked in a second email about the exact number of cases tied to the outbreak the Minister’s office failed to respond.

A letter had been sent to all Cornerstone parents on April 26th by Baldwin advising them of the situation and the need to self-isolate until April 7th.

At that time all students present between March 15th and March 19th were considered to be close contacts.

After two mornings of special mobile testing a number of parents and relatives contacted MJ Independent to report whether or not they had contracted the virus.

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