SCRAPS Presents Their April Frontline Hero

Submitted by SCRAPS - MJ

SCRAPS turns another page of our “Rescue Me 2021 Calendar” to welcome in the month of April and SPRING! .... A time of RENEWAL, HOPE & “FAITH”.

It has been has been’s been a lonely year. We have struggled, we have helped one another and we have had FAITH that better times are ahead. For many, FAITH has helped them survive through the many challenges of the year of COVID-19. An excerpt shares a message .... “illuminating the pathway in times of darkness, helping to give us strength in times of weakness- FAITH is as important as the air we breath. 0xygen in the air nourishes the body, FAITH nourishes the heart & soul” (

SCRAPS proudly features a tribute to this month’s Essential service “FAITH” represented by Rev Eric Davis a chaplain and captain serving in the Canadian military. “April”, the family’s adopted SCRAPS Cat, takes her place as part of the head of the family!

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Rev Eric is a dynamic, easy going, energetic representative of FAITH. Being this month’s centrefold (posing with SCRAPS Cat April)we asked if he would be able to provide some insight, encouragement and words of wisdom about “FAITH” amidst a global pandemic.

Rev Eric tells us “Research shows that spirituality provides critical support for mental health during stressful situations. Thus, addressing the needs of our spiritual side is vital for our own mental health. The practice of your own religion or faith can bring you guidance and peace during troubled times like Covid 19.

Reach out to your local faith communities and find out new Covid friendly ways to reconnect. Religious services can be found online in most faith traditions and you can grow while sitting at home in your pyjamas ,just keep your web camera turned off during service.

As for Cats - in ancient Egypt they were once worshipped as Gods. They haven’t forgotten this. Neither has April”.

A special THANK YOU to Rev Eric & his family for supporting SCRAPS mission & giving “April” a forever home. We had a lot of fun capturing the priceless image for our Calendar and it’s absolutely PURRfect!

Thank you goes out to Brice Photography, Wolfen Photography & those supporters who purchased a “Rescue Me” calendar this year. Limited copies are available for only $10 at “9 Lives Boutique”(Town n Country Mall), Pet Valu and Excallipurr Cat Cafe (Regina).

Helping and Rescue truly comes full circle as we honour all those whose fearless dedication continues to support our communities during this pandemic. Heros do wear masks!

moose jaw