Rhino's Ramblings - Liver and Onions

“It is no longer about making a profit, it is all about just surviving,” a local restauranter told me over the past week.

It is news I had to say I found shocking as I sat there eating one of my best liked restaurant dishes - liver and onions.

Not shocking that COVID - 19 has been hard on local business - especially the restaurant industry - but rather that I am ashamed to say it I, like so many, completely forgot the pain small business is still facing in our community.

Perhaps I am guilty of having been caught up in the euphoria surrounding vaccines and the seeming normality I have experienced in my travels lately. I have been immune to the economic reality which is surrounding us now into the third year.

But there I was sitting there and listening to the third local business owner - in less than a week - about how hard it is for them and how COVID - 19 still haunts their bottom lines.

I have been hearing it a lot lately in whispers lately how local restaurants are suffering. This is suppose to be a really busy time of year for them as families and businesses hold their annual parties welcoming in Christmas and the New Year. But it is not happening.

I heard it at the recent monthly meeting of the Moose Jaw Exhibition Company of how there just isn’t the number of Christmas bookings this year as there has been in years past. And the number one culprit it seems are COVID - 19 fears.

It is the same thing when it comes to events such as hockey games at Mosaic Place - the number of attendees just are not there. It is all based upon fears about the virus and the potential to become ill for sure but also the requirement to show proof of being fully vaccinated or a recent negative COVID - 19 test is keeping fans away in droves.

Well guess what it is not just the Moose Jaw Exhibition or Mosaic Place that are feeling the effects of COVID - 19 and the restrictions or mandates but it is a whole myriad of businesses who are.

Many of our local restaurants are feeling the economic crunch that COVID - 19 and the restrictions or government mandates is having upon them.

Although it is not general knowledge the Cornerstone Bar and Grill is now the latest victim of the economic disaster COVID - 19 has created in its wake. The word on the street is the latest iteration of the popular eatery is done and they will not be coming back when the tourist season returns.

The are not the only ones who have suffered because of the pandemic. Every restaurant and caterer in the city has suffered due to the pandemic.

Many local restaurants have tried their hardest to get by during the pandemic but they have faced so many hurdles just trying to keep the doors open.

There was a lockdown, there have been mask mandates, there has been a shortage of employees with many of the better employees jumping ship for bigger money in a labour shortage, there have been the threat of fines, reduced available in person dining space, a vaccine passport mandate to sit down and eat, a seeming boycott to send a message to the Province by the anti-vax movement, confusing rules, food price jumps and finally……

…. it is something that never seems to end.

So what is the answer?

In simple terms we need to support this industry.

If we want our favourite eateries and watering holes to survive the best we can do is to do business with them. If you can afford to order a meal from one of our local restaurants - whether it be dining there, having it delivered or picking it up.

I realize it is difficult for many people to do - as they send a message to the Province - because of their stance on vaccination but really think about it in the end if you are actively boycotting who are you really hurting?

I personally don’t see Premier Scott Moe changing the mandates to move away from masks and the vaccine passports to dine in any time soon.

We all need to get living again and as we have our New Years and Christmas celebrations perhaps think about our local restaurants and order something from them in solidarity.

As for me I will continue to try to dine out at least once a week to a decent sit down meal. Perhaps it is not going to save the restaurants I go to but at least I am hopefully sending a message to them that hey yeah I am not wealthy but at the same time I am supporting you.

Have a great Christmas.

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