City Offers Environmental Option For Natural Christmas Trees

With Old New Year’s Eve (New Year’s Eve according to the Julian Calendar) about to wrap up tomorrow the question for the last few natural Christmas trees still up, and those already taken down, is what to do with them.

There are two ways the City will help an individual dispose of a Christmas tree.

For individuals who want to get rid of their tree immediately the City has a drop off point on the east side of the Yara Centre (Field House) and south of the bicycle track - 1220 High Street West.

The drop off point for natural Christmas trees - MJ Independent photo

The drop off point for natural Christmas trees - MJ Independent photo

For those who do not have a truck or wish to haul their own tree the City will be picking up from January 18 - January 29. The City requests that the tree be placed nearby where you put out your waste collection bin.

The City asks that all tinsel and ornaments be removed from the tree before it is disposed of by either method.

The trees will be shredded and used as environmentally friendly mulch within the city.

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