City Issues Statement On Novel Corona virus COVID-19

With the Novel Corona virus COVID-19 now confirmed in Saskatchewan the City of Moose Jaw has issued its first news release in the issue.

At the present time the City would like residents to know they are closely monitoring the situation within the province of Saskatchewan and around world and at the present time there are no plans to close City owned and operated recreation facilities.

“The health and safety of our customers is our highest priority and we have implemented Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) recommendations pertaining to sanitizing multi-touch surfaces in all of our facilities, including City Hall, Yara Centre and Kinsmen Sportsplex,” City Manager Jim Puffalt said in a statement. “We have been in contact with the Province since early February and have updated relevant Emergency Response plans in case the risk of an outbreak increases.”

On its Facebook page the Moose Jaw Cultural Centre has advised performances scheduled for next week will go on as scheduled.

“We have received a number of phone calls regarding COVID-19 and it's effect on performances scheduled for next week. At this time, all upcoming events will continue as scheduled, however we are monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates over the coming days.

We are taking extra precautionary measures including installation of sanitizing stations, additional cleaning and sanitizing of high-touch surfaces in public areas such as bars, doors, handrails, seat arms, elevators and washrooms.

We appreciate your patience during this time,” Moose Jaw Cultural Centre said on Facebook.

Corona viruses are an entire family of viruses which are common in humans and are what often cause the common cold. Novel Corona virus COVID-19 is a new disease that has not been previously identified in humans.

Toilet paper hoarding has arrived in Moose Jaw as shown in the Real Canadian Superstore although Novel Corona virus COVID-19 does not cause diahrrea - Source Twitter

Toilet paper hoarding has arrived in Moose Jaw as shown in the Real Canadian Superstore although Novel Corona virus COVID-19 does not cause diahrrea - Source Twitter

The City has advised its staff to follow the prevention guidelines recommended by the SHA, and encourage residents and visitors to do the same:

• - Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds.

• - Don’t touch surfaces and then your mouth, eyes or nose.

• - Use tissues when you cough or sneeze.

• - Practice "social distance" by not shaking hands or hugging.

• - Stay home if you're sick.

Additionally, all travellers should self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, coughing or difficulty breathing, for 14 days after returning to Canada.

The City of Moose Jaw will continue to follow recommendations from Provincial and National Health Authorities and provide updates at

Additionally the Province of Saskatchewan has online resources about COVID-19 as the first presumptive case of the virus has been reported in Saskatoon. The individual in that case recently travelled to Egypt where COVIS-19 is spreading locally. The site can be reached by clicking the link.

In a related world-wide development which has been released has announced that within days a world reknowned biological research centre is set to announce they have developed a vaccine for Novel Corona virus COVID-19 and are fast tracking its trials.

The Institute for Biological Research relies heavily on graduates from Novosibirsk, Russia where that country has its state of the art State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR affiliated with Novosibirsk State Technology Uninversity and Novosibirsk State University. As an aside Moose Jaw has graduates in other fields of study from those two prestigious universities living in our community.

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