Outbreak Declared At Providence Place

After days of testing a COVID - 19 outbreak has been declared by the Saskatchewan Health Authority for a Moose Jaw nursing home.

This time the outbreak has been declared for Providence Place.

An outbreak is defined by the SHA when two or more people test positive for COVID‐19 and are all linked to a specific non-household setting or event within a specified time period. If one person contracts COVID - 19 in a non-household setting it is termed a suspected outbreak.

In a letter to families of Providence Place residents on November 18th are told the outbreak has happened and how the facility is setting out to tackle it. Despite the November 18th letter being issued the outbreak was not officially declared until November 23rd.

The manner in which the outbreak is going to battled - according to the letter - is through testing of all residents for COVID - 19 as well as limiting the movement of residents through the facility. Residents for now will be confined to their wing and only allowed to associate in group activities with five or less to prevent transmission.

Due to the measures taken by the Province to stop the potential spread of COVID - 19 in all nursing and care homes no visitors are allowed at the present time. Providence Place says in the letter they will do whatever they are able to do to have one on one interaction with residents.

The full text of the email sent to family members is below.

Subject: 20201118 ALERT Providence Place Outbreak Update

November 18, 2020

Communication Alert to All Residents and Family Members of Providence Place

As of November 18, 2020 Providence Place (PP), is in Outbreak. We are closely monitoring all employees and residents at Providence Place and taking all the necessary precautionary measures.

We will be testing all residents and staff at PP.  This will begin to take place Thursday November 19 and continue for the next several days. A team of professionals will come to PP to do the testing.  If there are any positive cases with residents, affected families will be notified as appropriate.

Please keep in mind the significant undertaking to do all this testing; it will take a substantial amount of resources to obtain the tests, complete the laboratory work and get the results. We will not expect lab results for several days. We ask for your understanding and patience during these challenging times.

We are asking residents to stay on their designated wings and we are limiting group activities to maximum of 5 people. In addition to all of the existing precautionary measures, staff will now wear protective face shields for further protection.

Spiritual Care and our Recreation Teams will prioritize one-on-one visits with our residents. Virtual visits will again be emphasized and supported by recreation to continue the connection between you and your loved ones.

The Spiritual Care, Recreation and Care teams will do their best to provide Holistic care to your loved one that you have entrusted into our care.

Spiritual Care can be reached to arrange a visit with your loved for non-medical concerns.  Please call 306-694-8836 or email cheryl.thul@saskhealthauthority.ca

Recreation Team can be reached at:

·       Raphael Wing, Jessica @ 306-694-8571

·       St. Vincent, Monette @ 306-694-8824

·       Edgar Hall, John Paul @ 306-694-8887

·       St. Anthony, Melanie @ 306-694-8831

We continue to work very closely with Public Health, Infection Control, and the Medical Health Officer. We thank you for your support and cooperation to contain the spread of the COVID-19 illness and in keeping everyone safe.

We certainly understand and can appreciate the challenges and difficulties of this situation. Rest assured we are acting extremely diligent and taking all necessary precautions for the safety of our resident’s employee and community.  We commit to informing our residents and families as the situation changes.

May the Lord our God be with us, as He was with our fathers; may He not leave us or forsake us, Psalm 42:8

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