Mandatory Masking Coming To Moose Jaw's Indoor Public Spaces

Whether you like it or not come this Monday mandatory masking in all public indoor spaces comes to Moose Jaw,

The mandatory masking order comes from Saskatchewan Health and will include all communities with a population of 5,000 or more people as well as the order will apply to communities within the census area of the communities.

In an update about the new restrictions Health Minister Paul Merriman said “this threat is very real.”

“Over the past few weeks we have seen a significant increase in the numbers of new COVID - 19 case numbers in Saskatchewan,” Merriman said. “We need to work now to ensure they don’t climb higher.”

The mandatory masking order will also apply to Pense and Belle Plaine.

Additional measures will also apply to other industries effective Monday.

Bars and licensed establishments will not be allowed to serve alcohol past 10 pm and all drinks must be consumed by 11 pm.

There are no exceptions for private events or outdoor serving spaces.

When it comes to health and fitness the Province has enacted more stringent rules when it comes to public and private facilities in addition to the rules now in place.

All aerobic group fitness activities (ie spin classes, class circuit training, aquasize) are limited to a maximum of eight participants.

- Group aerobic activities are permitted only if participants can be three metres apart throughout the duration of the activity, as required by the current Re-Open Saskatchewan guideline.

- Individual aerobic activities (ie treadmill, stationary bike, lane swimming) are permitted if all required equipment is properly distanced according to the Re-Open Saskatchewan guidelines.

All businesses and organizations must review the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan for their respective sector guidelines and make any required changes in order to abide by them completely. These guidelines are enforceable under the public health order.

This includes, but is not limited to, restaurants following the rules of how man people may be at a table or a booth and that the maximum capacity guidelines are strictly enforced.

moose jaw