Harry Lin Awarded The Dubinsky Family Trust Scholarship
Harry Lin, a Central Collegiate 2022 graduate, was awarded the Dubinsky Family Trust Scholarship Monday afternoon in Moose Jaw City Council Chambers.
Lin graduated from Central Collegiate with a 99.7 percent average and is presently enrolled in the University of Alberta’s Bachelor of Science honours program.
Mayor Clive Tolley (left) presents the Dubinsky Family Trust Scholarship to Johnathan Lin on behalf of his son Harry Lin as he is now away studying at the University of Alberta - MJ Independent photo
While a student Lin participated in extracurricular activities such as badminton and track and field. He was also involved in competitive tennis and swimming for many years.
Lin was a member of the provincial tennis team and helped instruct younger tennis players to learn the game at the Moose Jaw Tennis Club.
He has held various jobs such as tennis coach. Elections Canada and working at Prairie Berry. He also volunteered with the Moose Jaw Flying Fins Club and the Wakamow Indigenous Pow Wow.
Marry Clive Tolley asked his father Johnathan to “pass all of the best wishes to your son.” Harry Lin was unable to attend the presentation as he is already studying at the University of Alberta.