Budgeted And Some Not So Nice People Reasons For Continued Security
In what could be argued as Moose Jaw moving from the Friendly City to a more Notorious One - at least when it comes to entering city hall - was evident in a enquiry asked at Council.
During the Enquiries portion of Monday afternoon’s regular Council meeting Councillor Dawn Luhning asked why the need for security to enter City Hall.
“Can someone tell me the rationale behind having someone still sitting at the front door checking people in, a commissionaire. I am just wondering why that is still in place? And why we haven’t eliminated that process since COVID restrictions have been lifted and that sort of thing,” Councillor Luhning asked.
The need for security at the front door of city hall was asked about - MJ Independent photo
In his response city manager Jim Puffalt said security was still there because it was budgeted for the entire year plus some of the people coming through the doors of city hall are none too friendly.
“I think we have budgeted for a commissionaire for the front door for the year,” Puffalt said at the time the budget was announced it was unknown how long COVID - 19 restrictions would be in place.
Secondly Puffalt said not all people coming to City Hall are the friendliest.
“It is budgeted for the year and I think it does provide some sense of security to the building,” he said.
“Not all of our customers are friendly as many can be.”