Extension Given To Owner To Repair Property
It may have been a house that was on the eve of demolition but work, progress and a honest desire to get the work done has saved what was described as a derelict property from the wrecker’s ball.
At Council on Monday evening property owner Blair Zopf asked for an extension to a previous Council decision which, if an extension was denied, it could have lead to a home at 1008 Alder Street NE being demolished.
He asked for an extension to October 1st to get the work done.
Appearing before Council Zopf asked for an extension to a previous maintenance order as he was unable to complete the required repairs due to the cool Spring weather, waiting on an engineering report to be finalized, additional necessary work found above and beyond the required order and a timeline to get a contractor to acquire the materials and complete the work.
He had won an extension and opportunity to complete the work at a Council meeting in March.
Despite not having the required work competed as Council had required he said he had not been sitting around and had done a lot of work he was able to on his own and with help of students while waiting for the contractor to do the work.
“I am working hard on this and I am not waiting on the contractors to get this done,” Zopf said.
Some of the work he had already completed included the required demolition and clean up of a garage on the property, installation of fascia and an eavestrough on the west side of the structure as well as applied for a demolition permit and already removed an unsafe deck and stairs noted in a previous City order.
He said he had done a lot of work except for the structural components that the City had ordered completed.
“I hired a general contractor to assist with the work that has to be done…to get everything done,” he said.
“I haven’t done the structural that is what I need more time to do.”
Zopf also said he was doing work above and beyond what the City had ordered him to do as he wanted to do a good job on the repairs.
“With the windstorm I lost some shingles and I am going to have to re-do the roof even though I don’t have to,” he said.
The City’s Side
Speaking before Council building official Lisa Eritz said there had been work done on the property but the Planning Department wanted to see the work progress.
“We can see the property owner does tend to comply….we do want a deadline that is not so far in the future to see things are being addressed,” Eritz said.
Administration was recommending an extension, but an extension to July 15th and not to October 1st as the property owner had requested.
Council Discussion
Council Heather Eby said she agreed with Administration and would support the extension to July 15th so as to ensure the work continued because of a tight deadline.
“I am more than happy to support the extension as recommended by Administration…I am appreciative of what Mr Zopf has started…I don’t think I can support until October,” Councillor Eby said.
She reasoned if the extension was to the beginning of October the weather could be a factor and a further extension that could reach much longer would be required.
Councillor Jamie Logan said that he could support Administration’s recommended extension.
“I have no problem recommending the extension…by July a good chunk of this should be completed,” Councillor Logan said.
However Councillor Kim Robinson supported granted the extension the property owner had requested.
Councillor Robinson said he could support the requested extension because “in light of what Mr Zopf has done, he has taken away the safety concerns.”
“I did not vote for this the last time and Mr Zopf has proven me wrong”
Councillor Crystal Froese said she supported Administration’s recommendation for an extension to July 15th because it helped to “keep him on track…I think that granting an extension is helpful.”
Councillor Doug Blanc said he appreciated all of the work the property owner had completed and asked if the July 15th was appropriate because Zopf would have to re-appear at Council’s meeting at the end of June to request another extension if necessary.
Councillor Blanc temporarily floated an extension to August 15th.
“It will give him a little more time to get the work done,” he said.
Councill voted against granting Zopf the requested extension to October 1at with only Councillor Robinson in favour of the move.
Couoncil then voted 6 - 1 in favour of the July 15th extension suggested by Administration with Councillor Robinson opposed.