Golf Courses Claim Misunderstanding, Tight Budgets While Tossing In Greenery To Win Cost Sharing Agreement

In July 2020 Council agreed to a new irrigation water agreement with two golf courses.

The agreement would see the courses pay for irrigation water on a cost recovery basis. It would not include major infrastructure repairs and upgrades.

On Monday evening the golf courses convinced Executive Committee to have the City pay a portion of the cost of a new $68,000 irrigation pump.

Reversing a decision made earlier not to do so.

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City Set To Commence Work On Cast Iron And Feeder Main

The City has announced what sections of cast iron water mains will be replaced in 2023.

The City will also kick off the start of the replacement of the 16th Avenue Northwest feeder main.

Executive committee also discussed problems, which have occurred on Keith Street Southwest and High Street West after cast iron water mains were replaced.

Please note, this story is more extensive and its scope other than a simple announcement.

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