18U AA Canucks Winning Streak Ends At Five

By Submitted

All good things must come to an end and for the Moose Jaw 18UAA Canucks the winning streak has ended at five straight wins.

The Canucks fell to the Regina Pacers 11-7 on Saturday afternoon.

Vann Sinclair rounding third base on his in the park home run - submitted photo

Aiden Husband took the loss for the Moose Jaw going four innings allowing five runs (only two earned) on six hits, striking out none and walking two.

Caplette-Tarrant provided pop in the middle of the line-up and led the Canucks with two (RBIs) runs batted in and went two for three on the day.

Van Sinclair had a in the park home run.

Next up for the 18U AA Canucks is a double header at Ross Wells ball park on Sunday at 10 am and 1 pm.

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