Moose Jaw 18U AA Canucks Sweep Two Games In Muenster

By Submitted

Moose Jaw 18U AA Canucks played two games on Saturday against the Muenster Red Sox.

The Canucks were victorious winning both games with the scores 20-8 in the first game and 10-4 in the second game.

In Game One Moose Jaw piled up 16 hits.

Pratte and Sinclair each collected three hits in the game.

The Canucks at their Saturday games on the road - submitted photo

In Game Two Aiden Husband earned the win on the mound for the Canucks. 

Husband surrendered seven hits and four runs over 5 innings striking out 7 and walking 4. 

Caplette-Tarrant, Cushway, and Tallon each collected 2 hits for the Canucks.  

The Canucks play again Sunday in Prince Albert for two games.

moose jaw