The Great Wall Of Team China - Photo Story

Photos and Story by Robert Thomas

Since day one of their arrival in Saskatchewan Team China’s Para Hockey Team has been welcomed by a large contingent of local fans who trace their roots to China.

At the Regina International Airport Team China was greeted with traditional Chinese cultural dance and music.

When they play their games at the 2023 World Para Hockey Championships there are dozens - if not hundreds - of supportive fans waving flags from behind the bench.

It’s a massive see of red which inspires China’s national team with some fans calling them The Great Wall Of Team China.

Fen Yu, who has called Moose Jaw home for the last three years, was out on Wednesday morning cheering on Team China

For Fen Yu, who has called Moose Jaw home for the past three years, said it was important to get out and cheer.

“It’s exciting of course,” Yu said when asked why she was out cheering on the team from her country of her birth.

“I’ve lived here for three years, and I’m very excited to be able to attend. I want to cheer on my team,” she said.

It was all smiles for this Team China fan

Asked about what she thought about China’s play in the game against Germany she said it was perfect.

“The game is perfect. I very much like this game especially the China is working hard as a team. It’s perfect.”

There was more than a few large Chinese flags on display

Asked if she was surprised about the large turnout of Chinese fans for the games she said “everybody likes to come out and cheer here in Moose Jaw. Especially since it’s so exciting. The Chinese people come here to watch and it’s so exciting (to see).”

Team China’s fans were happy in the stands as their team shutout Team Germany

Yu said so many in the local Chinese community, coming out to support and cheer on Team China was to be expected.

“I think all Chinese people like to come out and support their team.”

Waiting for play to restart during a break

The local fan support is appreciated says Team China’s head coach Xian Xu Jin the loud cheering behind the Chinese bench is very well heard by his team.

Jin has likened the support from the local Chinese community at the games as if China is the home team home team.

It was thumbs up from Team China’s fans

Shown the picture of Yu cheering behind the Chinese bench and asked for his comments on it Jin raised both hands into fists on the side of his face as a sense of pride and gratitude.

Speaking through an interpreter Jin said he was appreciate of the Moose Jaw Chinese community’s support.

A Team China goal is celebrated

“Under the organization of the President of the Moose Jaw Chinese Community Network there were a lot of overseas Chinese, who are cheering for us,” Jin said.

“We felt very encouraged, and we felt very grateful for all of the Chinese (people) who showed up to watch today’s game and cheer for us.”

Even the youngest were out at the game

“It’s pretty (good) to see so many people cheering for us,” he said.

Team China’s fan cheer loudly both when the team is on both offensive and defensive plays.

The Moose Jaw Chinese Community Network helped organize the large number of fans and brought along their long banner

Team China’s fans also have someone who is leading them through some of their cheers.

China’s fans also cheer loudly throughout the entire game.

For Team China fan Yu the loud cheering is because how exciting the game is.

One of the Team China fans was set up and actually calling the play-by-play during the game

Asked about the large contingent of Team China fans being referred to as The Great Wall of Team China for sitting behind and backing the team coach Jin agreed.

There was one lone German flag in the area just behind the team’s benches

For Fen Yu coming out and cheering for Tram China for a single game was great, but she’ll be back next time Tram China takes to the ice.

It’s an effort Team China appreciates.

Team China on their bench

Team China’s fans never seemed to stop cheering even during breaks in the action

China’s flag is wave proudly as Team China with pressure on Team Germany

moose jaw