Winnipeg Team Captures Tournament‘s U17 Boys Gold

Photos and Story by Robert Thomas

It was a hard, intense, fast action and sometimes physical game as the Moose Jaw Spartans tipped off against Crossover06 from Winnipeg in the U17 Boys gold medal game at the Premier Prairie Classic Basketball Tournament on Sunday afternoon.

Playing in front of a full house, with a large contingent of Crossover06 fans, the Spartans found themselves in tough with Winnipeg winning the gold medal 82 - 67.

The First Quarter saw Crossover06 take an early 6 - 0 lead against the Spartans - a lead the Winnipeg never game up through the entire game.

Despite the Spartans boxing their opponents out from the key Crossover06 was able to score six three point baskets (18 points) on some long attempts that seemingly surprised the Moose Jaw bench.

The score at the end of the quarter was Crossover06 25 and Spartans 11.

The Second Quarter saw the Spartans come alive and outscore Crossover06 by a margin of 20 to 12.

The score at Half Time saw the Spartans cut Crossover06’s lead to six points. The score was Crossover06 37 and Spartans 31.

The Third Quarter saw Crossover06 explode early in a point scoring fest with the Winnipeg team racking up 34 points in the quarter versus 14 points by Moose Jaw.

The score at the end of the quarter was Crossover06 71 and Spartans 46.

The Fourth Quarter saw the Spartans double up in points against their opponents scoring 22 points versus 11 by Crossover06.

Key to putting the game out of reach for the Spartans was in those last few minutes Crossover06 held much of the ball control preventing Moose Jaw from stealing a come from behind victory.

The Final Score was Crossover06 82 and Spartans 67.

The Crossover06 team took a group photo on the front steps of Peacock Collegiate. Six winnipeg teams made the trip to Moose Jaw - MJ Independent photo

moose jaw