Peacock Eliminates Central Gold - photo feature story

Photos and Story by Robert Thomas

The Peacock Toilers used a strong start to rebound past Central Cyclones Red in high school boys semi final playoff action on Wednesday evening.

The 73 - 52 victory by the Toilers eliminated one of their Cyclones rivals and now face Central's undefeated powerhouse Red team in the championship final.

The Cyclones Red team handily defeated Vanier Red just one evening before.

Quarter Scores

The First Qurter saw the Toilers jump out into ahead they never surrender for the remainder of the game.

The score at the end of the First quarter was Toilers 21 and Cyclones 8.

The Second Quarter saw the Toilers outscoring the Cyclones 16 to 9.

The score at Half Time was Toilers 30 and Cyclones 24.

The Third Quarter score was Toilers 53 and Central 37.

The Fourth Quarter saw the Toilers continuing to outscore the Cyclone with the score at the final buzzer Toilers 73 and the Cyclones 52.

Peacock Toilers Top Scorers:

Jordan Selensky - 18 points

Riley Johnson - 17 points

Kayden Lang - 14 points

Central Gold Top Scorers:

R Egan - 17 points

V Givera - 13 points

Game Sheet

moose jaw