Toilers Topple Rockets

QUESTION - Whose unofficial mascot is less than a meter tall, wears a green coat and was more interested in chocolate than basketball on Tuesday evening? (See answer below).

Photos and Story by Robert Thomas

The Peacock Toilers pulled put all stops on Tuesday evening.

Stops that included a dancing mascots for the boy's matchup, half time entertainment with prizes and the canteen was running and doing a thriving business.

But for the senior girls game Peacock's official mascot was missing replaced by an unofficial one…

To the cheers of the crowd the Toilers senior girls basketball team responded defeating the visiting Assiniboia Rockets 66 - 31.

The Toilers lead the Rockets 17 - 6 after the First Quarter.

The Half Time score was Toilers 27 and the Rockets 14.

The score at the end of the Third Quarter was Peacock 49 and Assiniboia 22.

The Final Score was Peacock 66 and Assiniboia 31.

Top Scorers for Peacock

M Coupland - 18 points

D McClung - 18 points

Hannah Miller - 16 points

Top Scorers for Assiniboia

Khanesia - 13 points

Jayna - 9 points

ANSWER - Toddler Braxtin Fedoski son of coaches Brendan and Megan Fedoski is a regular attending Peacock senior girls basketball games looked after by friends, staff and students.

He is fond of candy and on Tuesday evening he was more interested in a chocolate covered donut than basketball.

moose jaw