Miller Express Want People To Know It's Play Ball Season Opener This Friday
For two seasons the Moose Jaw Miller Express baseball team has been unable to play ball due to the COVID - 19 pandemic.
With the restrictions gone the team would like to remind Moose Jaw they are set to have their opener this Friday evening at 7 pm sharp at Ross Wells Ball Park.
To let people know the Miller Express are back in action board member James Gallo appeared at Council to announce the news the team was back.
“It feels like forever since we have been on the field and we felt it is important to re-introduce ourselves,” Gallo said.
James Gallo, board member of the Moose Jaw Miller Express baseball club, appeared at Council to let the city know after two missed season the team is back this summer - MJ Independent photo
Gallo gave a history about the league the Miller Express play in.
“The Miller Express play in the Western Canadian Baseball League which is Canada’s premiere summer baseball league with over 90 years of history and counting. There are seven teams in Alberta and four in Saskatchewan. Approximately 300,000 fans were attracted to the ball parks in 2019 and almost 20,000 on Canada Day each year.”
The team has a 56 game schedule with 28 home games with all home games played at Ross Wells Park. The season runs from late May to mid August.
College players from the United States and Canada are recruited to provide the summertime entertainment, he said. Many of the players over the years have been from Moose Jaw and done well in baseball.
“Numerous local players have gone on to enjoy successful baseball careers at the collegiate level south of the border while several others have left the Friendly City and gone on to amazing professional careers.”
The Miller Express’s first and foremost goal over the years has been all about connecting family and friends, Gallo said.
The club also service not just as a social hub but is also “a healing centre” allowing people “to escape, reconnect and come together.”
The COVID - 19 pandemic has meant no Miller Express baseball for two seasons.
“We were unable to play in 2020 and 2021. We are excited to return this summer and we open our season this Friday at seven o’clock.”
Gallo said the team thanks the City of Moose Jaw including “collaboration to continue to upgrade our home at Ross Wells.”
“We hope to see everybody at the ball park this summer,” Gallo concluded.